Hamilton Antique Mall​​

The Largest Antique Mall in Hamilton Area, for fun, for hobby, for dealers, for everybody,  Welcome!!!

233 Ottawa Street North
Hamilton, Ontario L8H 3Z4

Monday - Friday  11:00AM - 5:30PM
Sat & Sundays 10:00AM - 6:00PM
​Tel: 905-547-7000

Our Pricing

We are always looking for antiques dealers and vendors in art and decor.  

If you have a collection of these items or something else 'unusual' that would supplement the Hamilton Antique Mall, the please contact J Wang email at  jswangcanada@yahoo.com  or cell: 905-921-8614  We currently have booths in the basement and the third floor but but it goes quickly!!!!!  take action quick!

The first floor & the second floor booths

No vancancy
please contact for waiting list

All Rented out for this floor

​Waiting list for future vendors


The basement

$132.00+HST/per month
plus 12% sales commission

About 92 SQ FT


The third floor booth will be open in January 2018, you can come to reserve your booth now!!!!!

$120+HST/per month
plus 12% sales commission

About 92 SQ FT
